Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Real Smiles

Four weeks old and smiling on cue now. This is a lot earlier than I remember Henry smiling. Lucy has been interesting in that way. She is definitely more opinionated that Henry ever was about a lot of things; sitting in her car seat, waiting for food, having gas, needing a diaper change. When she thinks something needs to be done, it must be done NOW! However, she is also the most consolable baby I have ever met. Two words and a pick up and she is certain you will fix whatever ails her.


Anonymous said...

She knows she has the best Mama, Daddy and Big brother ever!! I cannot wait to meet her! What a little doll.

Anonymous said...

this is PRECIOUS!
I'm so happy to see her smile and the dimple.

Anonymous said...

seriously- that is the cutest smile and dimple I have ever seen!

pati said...

Beautiful~so happy to see that smile. Thanks for catching it with your camera. Lucy really is a great little baby. I'm so thankful that she is healthy and happy. Keep up the good work MaMa!

Heidi Bruch said...

Isn't it the best? What a perfect smile - can't wait to see it in person!