Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Got 'back'?

I am wiping katsup off most of the surfaces in our kitchen after a hearty breakfast and hear this nostalgic tune playing in my bedroom and head in to check it out. This is what I find. Seriously. The only thing that would have set a better scene was if the water bottle on Jack's night table was a '40'.


malia said...

the best ever! Will was sitting on my lap when I turned this on and he looked up at me with a huge grin and said "I wanna dough to Henny's house!" Can't say I balme him!!

Lisha said...

What a fun big brother showing her the moves!!! They are too cute.

jessica said...

Liz - this is amazing. Henry is a totally good dancer?! Does he take after you because I don't think I've ever seen those good of moves from jack!

Also love the new look of the blog.
Super chic.

See you soon!
We finalized Gabrielle's costume and can't wait to see everyone!

Heidi Bruch said...

I can't even describe how darling this is. This is why the best thing ever is a sibling. I can't wait to walk in on something like this someday...Hayden would have been on the floor within the 1st 5 seconds - I am impressed with Luce!

Danielle said...

That is too funny Liz. I'm glad to see the kids are into the classics and taking after their mama.

Meg said...

You can just pretend it's 3-star vodka in the water bottle. TOO FUNNY! I had the CD single to this...who ever buys singles?